Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hindu Mother Temple in Bali

We are in Bali for two weeks. Bali is part of Indonesia but is unique in that the major religion here is Hinduism. The rest of Indonesia is Moslem. We visited the Mother Temple of Bali. This Hindu Temple is used for worship as well as a major tourist attraction. The Balinese are very open about their religion and talk about it without any inhibitions. Talked to a Hindu Priest and He was very hospitable. Hinduism is hard to understand and their sacred story is hard to follow. In Bali it's mixed up with animism and folk practices. We were invited to a wedding today by a man who works with the place we are staying. Looking forward to see how ceremony, family systems and religion are all practiced at this occasion.

1 comment:

  1. take those stairs slowly..youre no spring far removed from our reality here in the states....tom gregg
